Events and news

Arredi 3N > Events and news
3 november 2021 Best Brianza 2021

“Le 1000 imprese best performer” in the province of Monza and Brianza was the event that took place in the late afternoon of Monday 25 October at the San Rocco theater in Seregno, promoted by “ItalyPost” in partnership with Goodnet. Businesses were given an award for “saying thanks to those who make the country grow”. Filiberto Zovico, founder of ItalyPost explained that: “They are healthy companies, with a rating ranging from” balanced to excellent “, which in 2019 produced a profit and which, on average over the last three years, was at least 2.15% , but some have even reached 50%. They are mostly small and medium-sized companies, with a turnover of 4 million upwards, which flank the few industrial giants worth hundreds of millions of euros, which however have one thing in common: in the last three years, between 2017 and 2019, they have not only produced turnover, but profits and financial solidity “.
The balance sheet data that the research drawn up by the ItalyPost study center was taken on the basis of data provided by Bureau van Dijk, a Moody’s analytics company.


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15 September 2021 Premio Confartigianato Motori - Monza 2021

Arredi 3N was sponsor of the Best of 39th Confartigianato Motori Award.

The edition celebrated the speed champions on the track and, together with them, the artisan ‘champions’ of the car repair sector.

The event – organized by Confartigianato Imprese, Confartigianato Autoriparazione, Confartigianato Lombardia, Confartigianato Apa Milano Monza Brianza – took place on Tuesday 7 September at 11.30 at the headquarters of Confartigianato Milano Monza Brianza. Also this year the Confartigianato Motori Award was confirmed as one of the most prestigious appointments within the Italian Formula 1 Grand Prix. The top management of Confartigianato, among which the President Marco Granelli, the President of Confartigianato Lombardia Eugenio Massetti, the President of Apa Confartigianato Milano Monza Brianza Giovanni Barzaghi, the President of Confartigianato Autoriparazione Alessandro Angelone, will deliver the awards to pilots of the caliber of Jean Alesi, Max Verstappen, Carlos Sainz, as well as mechanics, engineers, journalists and other protagonists of the F1 circus who have distinguished themselves for their achievements and their professionalism.


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8 june 2021 Progetto STEAM

STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (in English). STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Artie Mathematics.

STEM education is a philosophy of education that embraces teaching skills and subjects in a way that resembles real life. Instead of teaching disciplines in independent subject compartments, the lessons are well-rounded, based on projects and surveys, with a focus on interdisciplinary learning. STEM and STEAM are in line with the way we work and solve problems in our daily life. Making it a great way to educate and learn.

STEM teaches skills the way they will be used in the workforce and in the real world Why add the A to STEAM? Adding Art to STEM to create STEAM means incorporating creative thinking and applied arts into real situations.


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