Quality and certifications

Arredi 3N > Quality and certifications

quality policy

The Conformity Certifications are obtained by subjecting the furnishings to static testing performed by the CATAS laboratories, center for research and development, laboratory for tests in the wood and furniture sector.

Company quality is expressed through the idea and development of the individual product, but is expressed in the ability to furnish spaces in a functional, homogeneous and stimulating way for which it must use the space itself in daily activities.

The attention to construction details, the continuous search for the best materials available on the market, the utmost attention to the needs of the users, are essential prerequisites for our company, which combine the tradition and production capacity of a historic Brianza carpentry with an everlasting design. careful. to the most recent indications provided by those who deal daily with the reality of the intervention sectors.

company policy

The Quality Policy requires that, in line with the corporate mission, the management of all company processes is set up with the rules of the application of the Integrated Management System, according to the ISO 9001: 2015, ISO 14001: 2015 and OHSAS standards. 18001: 2007.

This system regulates the organizational and technical activities applied to the entire company system in a systematic, planned, documented way and aimed at achieving the following purposes:

the continuous improvement of the process management methods for the achievement of always better qualitative and quantitative results;
the achievement of a high level of effectiveness and efficiency regarding the training activities performed, with a view to a good quality / price ratio and in full compliance with the commitments signed with customers and the mandatory legal provisions.

The achievement of the objectives set, through the Quality Policy, will also be possible through the scrupulous and timely application of what is reported in the Quality Manual, which defines and describes the quality management system implemented by our company.

The Top Management of the Organization is committed to pursuing the full implementation and continuous evolution of the Quality Management System in order to consolidate and improve the image of the company, also through the commitment and professionalism of all company staff.

Quality represents for ARREDI 3N DEI F.LLI NESPOLI S.R.L. the goal and the tool to achieve:

  • internal and external customer satisfaction and excellent results;
  • respect, protection and promotion of safety;
  • respect, protection and promotion of the environment.

To achieve these purposes, the General Management of ARREDI 3N DEI F.LLI NESPOLI S.R.L. has identified the following fundamental general objectives, valid for the entire organization:

• provide services that comply with the requirements established by the Customers and suitable to meet their needs;

• maintain constant attention to customer needs;

• constantly monitor suppliers of raw materials and external processing;

• maintain the utmost punctuality in the provision of services to the Customer;

• ensure the customer maximum flexibility in the provision of services (responding to requests as quickly as possible) and maximum support for the resolution, in a short time, of complaints and problems;

• constantly improve efficiency, using, without excessive waste, all available resources and at the same time ensuring compliance with current legal provisions;

• meet all the needs required to achieve a Policy aimed at protecting and safeguarding the environment, improving where possible, the consumption of energy and water, decreasing the production of waste;

• ensure compliance with the legal requirements regarding the prevention of health and safety in the workplace;

• undertake to comply with all applicable legal requirements and other requirements that the company subscribes to, which concern our quality and safety aspects;

• create and maintain a corporate culture oriented towards Quality and safety, through the dissemination of this Policy and the sharing of objectives for continuous improvement;

• promote and maintain a continuous improvement process, aimed at achieving well-identified objectives.

As regards safety specifically, the General Management of ARREDI 3N DEI F.LLI NESPOLI S.R.L. has identified the following fundamental general objectives, valid for the entire organization:

– promote the continuous improvement of health and safety performance in all workplaces, guaranteeing in advance full compliance with laws and regulations;

– inform and train all staff on the occupational health and safety management system and its application within the Company (All Offices and Workplaces);

– always operate with an adequate degree of security, promoting at every level a widespread sense of proactivity in this aspect;

– manage the workplace, design and implement any changes or new activities in order to take into due account the safety aspects;

– ensure the systematic assessment of the safety performance of the workplace, through the implementation of a monitoring system, on the basis of which to implement continuous improvement actions;

– communicate with customers, suppliers, contractors and contractors, the working population to improve safety in the workplace;

– cooperation with the contracting authority to establish and update emergency and safety procedures.

To facilitate the achievement of these objectives, the Company Management of ARREDI 3N DEI F.LLI NESPOLI S.R.L. undertakes the following commitments:

• defining, reviewing, keeping the strategic lines of development of the Company defined in this Policy for Quality, Safety and the Environment constantly updated and appropriate for the purposes of the organization;

• ensure the constant progress and expansion of the Company;

• make available the resources necessary for carrying out and controlling the activities and for their continuous improvement;

• comply with all legal requirements and regulations;

• communicate, within the Company, its intentions and objectives, through the dissemination of this Policy for Quality, Safety and the Environment, so that it is understood and supported at all levels of the organization;

• ensure that this document is available to the public.

The General Management of ARREDI 3N DEI F.LLI NESPOLI S.R.L. believes that the main tool for implementing these lines of conduct in the best possible way is the maintenance and application of an integrated quality system documented and compliant with the requirements of the UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015, UNI EN ISO 14001: 2015 Standards and the OHSAS 18001: 2007.

Each is the protagonist in achieving corporate Quality, in all phases of the service supply process, through the effective and efficient application of the Integrated Management System and the continuous improvement of the ways of operating, knowledge and experience.

The Management considers this Policy as a framework of reference for the management of its Quality System and for the annual definition and review of its specific objectives.

The Policy is disseminated to all the collaborators of ARREDI 3N DEI F.LLI NESPOLI S.R.L. and made available to the remaining interested parties.

The Management wanted to define a Code of Conduct as a fundamental tool for the pursuit of the objectives set in accordance with this Quality Policy. The staff and all collaborators ARREDI 3N DEI F.LLI NESPOLI S.R.L. adhere to this code, developed in the following points. to which it is disseminated together with this Policy.

1. Build a relationship with the customer by affirming the principle of company-company productive collaboration.

2. Address the problems, identifying the concordant points and equitably mediating the divergent ones. Working to consolidate by seeking an answer to mutual needs with the aim of always building and never destroying.

3. Maintain an attitude of maximum fairness with Suppliers, avoiding personal relationships that produce favoritism or discrimination, bearing in mind that there cannot be operational spaces outside the company relationship.

4. Carrying out one’s work with attachment and passion, collaborating constructively with all colleagues, intervening, supporting and correcting those who are wrong in their work or dissipating company assets.

5. Prevent and reduce risks to the health and safety of workers, in particular:

– prevent risks at source, i.e. in the design phase, choice of materials, identification of methods and technologies;

– ensure that the work environments are suitable, safe and ergonomic for carrying out the activities;

– protect the health of workers through continuous health monitoring and its evaluation;

– reduce accidents and occupational diseases affecting workers;

6. Respect the environment.


SA 8000:2014

SA 8000: 2014 is the first international standard that establishes the requirements for ethically correct behavior of companies towards workers.

The SA8000® is divided into eight specific areas of intervention:

  1. child labor
  2. forced labor
  3. Health & Safety
  4. freedom of association
  5. discrimination
  6. disciplinary practices
  7. working hours
  8. remuneration.

Arredi 3N has chosen to implement a social responsibility management system within its organization and to submit it for certification by a certification body.

The choice of certification guarantees the activation of a management system in compliance with the SA 8000 standard and which allows you to protect and communicate with your workers.

This tool also offers the opportunity to act as a promoter of principles and values ​​aimed at raising awareness in the community, promoting the spread of socially responsible behavior among economic organizations.


The SA 8000 FINANCIAL STATEMENT is structured in three parts.
Part one. The first part illustrates the main company activities, the Social Responsibility Policy approved by the Management and the organizational structure put in place to comply with the SA 8000 standard. For each requirement of the SA 8000 standard, the actions and activities implemented by the company to ensure compliance and compliance.

Second part. the Improvement Plan is detailed with the future objectives to be pursued with a view to continuous improvement of the Social Responsibility Management System.

Part Three. The panel of indicators of the Social Responsibility Management System is presented.


Anyone wishing to make reports on matters relating to the SA 8000 Standard on Social Responsibility, can formally forward them via non-ordinary mail to: sa8000@arredi3n.com.

The addresses to which the worker or the stakeholder (interested party) can report external complaints regarding the SA 8000 requirements, once all the internal procedures have been completed, are as follows:

Certification body

89, Chlois & Likovriseos Str. – 144 52 Metamorfosi –  Athens – Greece
Tel: ++30 210 62.52.495 –  ++30 210 62.53.927
Fax: ++30 210 62.03.018
e-mail: info@eurocert.gr – Internet site www.eurocert.gr

Ente di normazione e accreditamento:

SAI: Social Accountability International
15 West 44th Street
New York, NY 10036
Phone: 212-684-1414 – Fax. 212-684-1515
Email: info@sa-intl.org

Social Accountability Accreditation Services
15 West 44th Street, 6th Floor
New York, NY 10036
Phone: (212) 391-2106 – fax: (212) 684-1515


ISO 37001:2016

Anti-corruption System

The company has adopted an Anti-Corruption Model, managed in line with the requirements of the ISO 37001: 2016 standard (Anti-Bribery management system), which is embodied in the Anti-Corruption Management System (EMS) consisting of a manual and company procedures that define the roles and the responsibilities of the subjects involved and the operating methods of the processes and control measures defined.


Anti-corruption model adopted

The Anti-Corruption Model provides for prevention protocols in order to exclude active and passive corruption and ensure compliance with the principles introduced by the Anti-corruption Laws.

It provides a systematic reference framework for the regulatory instruments and anti-corruption policies that the company intends to pursue. The model identifies the potential corruption dangers and the practices that each company employee must adopt in order to mitigate the corruption risks.

In order to ensure effective measures to ensure assistance and advice on anti-corruption matters, the company has set up the Compliance Function responsible for giving specialist information and providing clarifications regarding:

  • the content of the anti-corruption model adopted and the anti-corruption laws of Italy or of the country in which the company operates;
  • the application of the provisions contained in the anti-corruption model also with respect to the anti-corruption provisions of the country where it operates.

The Compliance Function is also entrusted with the constant review and monitoring of the Anti-Corruption Model to ensure that it remains effective at the highest level and the verification activity aimed at ascertaining its correct application.


Training for employees and information for business partners

The application of the Anti-Corruption Model is the direct responsibility of all directors, managers and employees of the company as well as all those who, directly or indirectly, permanently or temporarily, establish relationships and relationships with the company, each within the scope of their functions and responsibilities (the “Recipients”). All Recipients are therefore required to comply with all the principles and provisions contained therein with the utmost diligence and attention.

In order to disseminate adequate knowledge and understanding of the contents of the Model, the company has defined:

  • a mandatory anti-corruption training program for all employees;
  • specific contractual clauses vs. customers and suppliers of “compliance” which provide, among others, the obligation to comply with the principles contained in the Anti-Corruption Model.


The penalty system

The policies and procedures contained in the Anti-Corruption Model and in the Guidelines represent an integral part of the Anti-Corruption System.

The violation of the principles and provisions of the Anti-Corruption Model and, in general, of the Anti-Corruption System, by the Company personnel constitutes a serious breach of contract, for which the company reserves the right to sanction such violations in compliance with the legal regulations and / o contractual relationship applicable to the individual relationship, both with conservative sanctions and through the termination of the contractual relationship itself (dismissal or withdrawal). It also remains and in any case the right of the company to take actions for damages in accordance with current legislation.

Recipients are required to report any violation of the Anti-Corruption Management System in general, of company policy and / or of any Anti-Corruption Law of which they have become aware, even indirectly, in the course of their business.

To this end, special communication channels are provided that allow the sending of reports on violations, even anonymously, thus protecting the whistleblower against any form of retaliation, discrimination or penalization, guaranteeing the confidentiality of the identity.

For reports and / or information: anticorruzione@arredi3n.com


Company quality is guaranteed by the scrupulous observation of what is established in the Quality Manual, which has allowed our company to obtain the certificate of conformity to the UNI EN ISO 9001 standard.

All company procedures undergo careful and scrupulous checks: from the design to the industrial prototype, from the purchase of raw materials to their processing, from the assembly of the products to their packaging, from the delivery of the furnishings to their installation, up to the technical assistance network, guaranteed by the headquarters and by the agencies with deposit located throughout the national territory.

The company is also certified for compliance with UNI EN ISO 14001, BS OHSAS 18001, SA 8000


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